Saturday, February 16, 2013

Love these Pancakes

I made really good pancakes today.  And I'm really pleased with myself.

You see,  I'm no domestic goddess,  and quite challenged when it comes to baking.  

Even with pancakes, I buy pre-mixes and just add eggs, milk and butter.  (It's pathetic, I know!)  To be fair to myself, I've made effort to jazz up our pancakes by adding choco chips, chunky peanut butter and banana, orange marmalade...

This morning, I wanted to cook pancakes for breakfast.  We haven't had it for weeks.  The trouble was : we've run out of pancake mix,  and the shops are closed for Tet holidays.  

Thanks to Google, I found a simple enough recipe in  Checked the cupboard if we had the ingredients - yes we did!  (A surprise because we didn't normally have baking powder.)

Here's the recipe :
1 1/2 c all-purpose flour,  sifted and mixed with the other dry ingredients ( as follows)
1 tbsp baking soda
3 1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tbsp white sugar
1/2 tsp salt

The standard recipe called for 1 1/2 c milk, 1 egg and 3 tbsp melted butter.
I added another egg, 2 mashed overripe bananas and 1 tsp cinnamon powder.

My little boy came to help me beat the eggs, mash the bananas, and stir the mixture.

Mighty proud of himself for it.

I poured half a cup on a non-stick pan, over medium heat. Waited a couple of minutes till bubbles formed on top.

Then flipped the pancake over, and cooked it for another minute.  
Made 8 servings.

They looked golden and gorgeous, and I served them on a big bright platter with lots of love.

For topping, everyone had his/her favourite - chocolate sauce, maple syrup, peanut butter... My husband and I preferred blueberry preserve.

The pancakes were gone in no time. Good thing I remembered to take a picture just before my last bite.

No more pancake mixes from now on.  This one is really for keeps. 

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