Last night, I went to bed earlier. I've had migraine for the past two days which wouldn't not go away with my usual medication. Lack of sleep most likely - the past week, I was catching up on work till late at night, shutting down usually around 2am... But a good sleep was not to be had.
Around 1:30 am, my 8-year old son woke me up saying he got severe pain on his right ear and could not sleep. I let him slid in beside me, asked a few "diagnostic questions" - when did he start having the pain, did he poke his ear with something pointed or sharp, etc. While gently rubbing the painful ear, I quickly checked the internet for info on ear pains among kids. Most probably, ear infection, nothing serious I hope... he was able to sleep soon after taking paracetamol. I could not.
This morning, J remained matamlay, and still had fever. He wanted me near him always. I still felt light-headed, but there was a warm feeling inside - I felt special and needed. It's a feeling much greater than having enough sleep.